My Own Story & Progress

My Own Story & Progress

I was always very active growing up. I participated in ballet and tap, elementary/middle school/high school sports, which I loved. I was not an outstanding athlete but I did enjoy the physical challenges associated with being an athlete. I enjoyed running and ran for fun all through college and until my oldest was born. I had my first child at 25 years old. After Alyse was born, I struggled for about a year and a half to lose the baby weight. I felt bad to leave her to go workout because I already left her all day to work. When Alyse was about 18 months, I hit a very difficult time in my life and I turned back to running because it's what I knew. It "saved" me before and I knew it would help me again. I lost all the baby weight and then some (not necessarily a good thing... I overdid my workouts, was highly stressed and was undernourished). 

I had my second child 7 years after the first (32 years old), and the next 3 were born about 2 years apart. I was pregnant every other year for 8 years. I was able to lose the weight after babies 2 and 3 fairly quickly and easily, with at-home workouts and running. However, after baby #4, I had a more difficult time losing the excess weight. Because of all the running I had done before, my scoliosis, and hip/knee/foot trouble, I had to quit running. This is when I turned to strength training and conditioning, and again, fell in love with another aspect of fitness. I was certain that I was done having kids, as I was already stretched so thin, tired, and really wanted my body to heal and recover. Surprise baby #5 was born in October 2020 (about a month before my 39th birthday). I am still not back down to my previous size/weight, but I am happy. I am healthy, and I am strong. I made the decision that my focus will not be on weight loss and the size of my pants, but rather, my focus is on moving with intention daily, nourishing my body, loving and respecting myself, trying to get the rest/sleep I need, hydrating with water, and staying positive about who I am and the choices that I make. I am focused on healthy habits and am proud of the actions I take and make each day. I am passionate about helping other women to feel their best by prioritizing their wellness.

*These photos are of me expecting our fifth child and me in January 2023. I will always be a work in progress.

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