If you're motivated to improve your health and the health of your family, you've come to the right place.
As an ISSA-Elite Certified Fitness Professional, ...
You are incredible! Live like it! You get one life & one body! Love yourself! Respect yourself! Take care of yourself! I am an Elite Certified Fitness ...
I am 42, a wife, the mother of 5 beautiful children, a National Board Certified Teacher, a fitness trainer, a nutrition coach & a Lifestyle Coach with ...
Healthy Living Revolution <-- Click this link to learn more about Juice Plus products, the Shred10 program, our Tower Gardens, a FREE cookbook, workouts, and MORE.
…Watch this video to learn more about how the Shred10 compares to the Keto Diet. Shred10 vs. Keto
If you would like to Shred10 with me, let's connect.
…Dr. Mitra Ray shares the science behind our plant-based omegas here: Omegas
Michelle Barsano
Bernie Valdez
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